INS Vikramaditya is a modified Kiev-class aircraft carrier that was originally built in the Soviet Union. It was later acquired by India from Russia and underwent extensive refits and upgrades before entering service with the Indian Navy

The aircraft carrier features a spacious flight deck that can accommodate a variety of fixed-wing aircraft and helicopters. It enables takeoff and landing operations using a ski-jump ramp at the bow.

INS Vikramaditya operates a mix of aircraft, including MiG-29K/KUB multirole fighters, Kamov helicopters for anti-submarine warfare (ASW) and utility missions, and Sea King helicopters for ASW and search and rescue operations

Unlike many other carriers, INS Vikramaditya uses a Short Takeoff But Arrested Recovery (STOBAR) configuration. Aircraft launch using a ski-jump ramp but recover using arresting wires

The carrier is equipped with advanced air defense systems, including Barak-8 surface-to-air missile systems, to provide protection against incoming aerial threats

INS Vikramaditya plays a crucial role in power projection and maritime security for the Indian Navy. It enhances the Navy's ability to project air power and provides a platform for naval operations across a wide spectrum of missions

The carrier has a displacement of around 44,500 tons and measures approximately 284 meters in length. Its large size allows for the operation of a significant number of aircraft and helicopters

INS Vikramaditya typically operates as part of a carrier battle group, which includes accompanying ships like destroyers, frigates, and support vessels, to provide protection, logistics, and support capabilities

The carrier contributes to India's maritime diplomacy and international engagements. It showcases the nation's naval capabilities and often participates in joint exercises and port visits with other navies