The Sea Harrier was specifically designed for operations from aircraft carriers, providing naval forces with a potent fighter capability for air defense, maritime strike, and reconnaissance missions.

Equipped with vectored thrust nozzles, the Sea Harrier is capable of short takeoffs and vertical landings, enabling operations from small and austere carrier decks without the need for catapults or arresting gear.

The Sea Harrier has been deployed on numerous British aircraft carriers, including HMS Invincible and HMS Hermes, providing air defense and strike capabilities during maritime operations.

The Sea Harrier can perform a wide range of missions, including air superiority, ground attack, anti-ship strikes, close air support, and reconnaissance, making it a versatile asset for naval aviation.

The Sea Harrier gained fame during the Falklands War in 1982, where it played a crucial role in air combat against Argentine aircraft, achieving notable successes and demonstrating its effectiveness in combat.

Equipped with modern radar, sensors, and avionics systems, the Sea Harrier offers enhanced situational awareness and combat capabilities, enabling effective engagement of aerial and surface targets.

With its swept wing design and vectored thrust capability, the Sea Harrier is highly maneuverable, capable of performing tight turns and evasive maneuvers in combat situations.

The Sea Harrier can carry a variety of air-to-air missiles, air-to-surface missiles, rockets, and bombs, providing a lethal and flexible weapons payload for different mission requirements.

The Sea Harrier has a respectable combat radius, allowing it to operate over extended distances and conduct missions deep into enemy territory or maritime zones.

The Sea Harrier was retired from active service with the Royal Navy in 2006, marking the end of its illustrious career as a naval fighter aircraft. However, it continues to be celebrated for its contributions to naval aviation, particularly in the development of the F-35.