The Kh-55 Kent has a maximum operational range of over 2,500 kilometers (1,550 miles), allowing it to strike targets deep within enemy territory without the need for the aircraft to enter hostile airspace.

The Kh-55 can be armed with both nuclear and conventional warheads, providing flexibility in mission planning and execution.

The missile features a streamlined airframe and radar-absorbent materials, reducing its radar cross-section and enhancing its stealth characteristics against enemy air defenses.

The Kh-55 travels at subsonic speeds, further reducing its vulnerability to enemy air defenses and improving its survivability during flight.

The Kh-55 is launched from strategic bomber aircraft such as the Tu-95 and Tu-160, as well as tactical aircraft like the Su-34, providing the launching platform with stand-off capabilities.

Equipped with a terrain-following guidance system, the Kh-55 can fly at low altitudes, following the contours of the terrain to evade enemy radar detection and interception.

The Kh-55 is equipped with an advanced inertial navigation system (INS) and a terminal guidance system, enabling it to accurately strike predetermined targets with a high degree of precision.

The Kh-55 can be employed in various mission scenarios, including strategic deterrence, precision strikes against high-value targets, and suppression of enemy air defenses.

Several upgraded variants of the Kh-55 have been developed over the years, incorporating modern technologies such as improved guidance systems and stealth features.

The Kh-55 has been deployed by the Russian Air Force and was previously operated by Soviet Strategic Rocket Forces, serving as a key component of Russia's strategic deterrence posture.