Initiated in 2000 following the Kargil War by the Atal Bihari Vajpayee government, and with a specific focus on countering the ballistic missile threat from Pakistan and China

India's BMD system consists of two layers - the Prithvi Air Defence (PAD) for high-altitude interception and the Advanced Air Defence (AAD) for lower altitudes. These layers provide comprehensive coverage against ballistic missile threats.

The primary motivation behind India's BMD program is to enhance its national security by defending against potential ballistic missile threats from hostile neighboring countries.

The BMD system integrates various elements such as radars, sensors, and interceptors under a unified command and control structure to effectively detect, track, and intercept incoming missiles.

India has conducted several successful tests of its BMD system, demonstrating its capability to intercept ballistic missiles in both endo and exo-atmospheric phases. Notable tests include the interception of incoming ballistic missiles at different altitudes and ranges.

While India has deployed its BMD system in certain strategic locations, the full-scale deployment across the entire country is still ongoing. The deployment strategy focuses on protecting key cities, military installations, and vital assets.

India has collaborated with various international partners for technical expertise and knowledge exchange in developing its BMD capabilities.

India has developed multiple interceptor variants for its BMD system, including the Prithvi Air Defence (PAD) interceptor and the Advanced Air Defence (AAD) interceptor. These interceptors are designed to counter different types of ballistic missiles.

India's BMD program adapts to evolving security dynamics and missile technology advancements. Ongoing R&D aims to boost system effectiveness.

India's BMD system not only provides a defensive capability but also contributes to its overall strategic deterrence posture by enhancing its ability to counter ballistic missile threats and safeguard its national interests.