NATO Active Air Combat Terminology, also known as Brevity Code, comprises essential shorthand terms used for effective communication during air combat operations. Here are several essential aspects concerning the Brevity Codes...
“Bogey” is a term laden with significance in air combat jargon. It denotes an unidentified aerial contact that could potentially be a hostile aircraft, necessitating prompt investigation.
“Bandit” is a potent term in air combat terminology that refers to a confirmed enemy aircraft not currently engaging with you or your friendly units.
“Hostile” is a term used to describe an enemy aircraft that has already engaged or is engaging with friendly units. It is a critical designation indicating an immediate threat to the mission and personnel involved.
“Scramble” is a commanding term utilized to depict the urgent launch of a fighter plane in response to an incoming threat.
“Angels” is a significant altitude instruction code utilized in air combat operations. It denotes an aircraft’s altitude in thousands of feet above sea level.
” Bullseye “ is a critical term in air combat, used to identify a reference point in space from which bearings can be given. Rather than referencing the location of any one aircraft, bearings are given from the Bullseye.
” Roger “ is a powerful term used to signify that a message has been received and understood, while “Wilco” is a shorter form of “Will Comply,” indicating not only acknowledgement but also an intention to comply with the received instructions or orders.
“Bingo” is a critical term in air combat terminology used to denote the minimum fuel required to return safely to base, particularly in military contexts, indicating a predetermined fuel state or fuel reserve threshold during a flight.
“Tiger” is a brevity code indicating that the aircraft possesses sufficient fuel, armament, and resources to accept the commander’s orders and engage in the mission.