Stealth Technology: The B-2 Spirit is renowned for its stealth capabilities, making it difficult for enemy radar systems to detect, track, and target. Its unique design and composite materials help minimize its radar cross-section, enhancing its survivability.

The B-2 has an impressive unrefueled range of approximately 6,000 nautical miles (11,000 kilometers), allowing it to conduct long-range missions without the need for frequent refueling.

The B-2 is a key component of the United States' nuclear triad, providing a strategic deterrent capability through its ability to carry and deliver nuclear weapons.

The bomber has a large internal payload capacity, allowing it to carry a variety of munitions, including nuclear and conventional bombs, cruise missiles, and precision-guided weapons

The B-2 is equipped with cutting-edge avionics and computer systems that provide the crew with enhanced situational awareness, navigation capabilities, and communication tools

The bomber's shape, coatings, and construction materials are designed to minimize its infrared, visual, radar, and acoustic signatures, making it extremely difficult for adversaries to detect and engage.

The B-2 typically has a crew of two pilots, who operate the aircraft and its systems. The pilots are supported by a range of automated and computerized systems that aid in flying, navigation, and mission execution

The B-2 can be rapidly deployed anywhere around the world, allowing it to conduct precision strikes against high-value targets in various regions

The B-2 has undergone several upgrades over the years to enhance its capabilities, including improved radar systems, communication systems, and software updates to stay current in the evolving threat environment

The B-2 Spirit is one of the most expensive military aircraft ever built, with a high development cost and relatively low production numbers. The limited production run contributes to its exclusivity and strategic value