The F-22's stealth design, featuring smooth contours and radar-absorbing materials, allows it to operate deep within enemy territory while minimizing its radar cross-section, making it extremely difficult for adversaries to detect

The F-22's unique shaping and coating significantly reduce its radar, infrared, and electromagnetic signatures, giving it a strong advantage in evading enemy sensors and detection systems

The F-22 can achieve sustained supersonic flight, known as supercruise, without relying on afterburners. This not only enhances its speed but also reduces its infrared signature, making it harder to track

The F-22 is equipped with the AN/APG-77 AESA radar, capable of tracking multiple targets and providing precise target data for both air-to-air and air-to-ground missions

The Raptor employs advanced sensor fusion techniques, integrating data from various onboard sensors and systems to provide a comprehensive situational awareness picture to the pilot in real time

The F-22's thrust-vectoring nozzles and advanced flight control system enable it to execute exceptionally agile maneuvers, granting it an edge in dogfight scenarios

Its integrated avionics suite streamlines data processing and sharing, enabling seamless communication and coordination between systems, sensors, and weapons

The F-22 is a cornerstone of network-centric warfare, capable of sharing its sensor data with other friendly assets in real time, enhancing the overall combat effectiveness of joint operations

With its advanced fuel-efficient engines and internal fuel capacity, the F-22 boasts a substantial operational range, enabling it to cover vast distances without refueling

The F-22 is equipped with a variety of air-to-air and air-to-ground weaponry, allowing it to engage a wide range of targets effectively. Its internal weapons bays maintain its stealth profile while carrying a substantial payload