The Su-35 is based on the airframe of the Su-27 Flanker family but incorporates numerous design improvements, including a reinforced airframe, reduced radar cross-section, and improved aerodynamics

It features a state-of-the-art avionics suite, including the Irbis-E passive electronically scanned array (PESA) radar, which offers long-range detection, tracking, and engagement capabilities

The Su-35 is equipped with thrust vectoring nozzles that provide unparalleled agility and maneuverability, enabling complex aerial maneuvers and improving dogfighting capabilities

The combination of thrust vectoring, advanced flight control systems, and aerodynamic enhancements allows the Su-35 to achieve high angles of attack and execute complex maneuvers even at low speeds.

The aircraft is armed with a variety of air-to-air and air-to-ground missiles, rockets, and bombs. It can carry a significant payload and engage multiple targets simultaneously

The Su-35's avionics enable advanced sensor fusion, integrating data from various sensors to provide a comprehensive situational awareness picture to the pilot

The Su-35 is a multirole fighter capable of engaging both aerial and ground targets. Its advanced sensors and targeting systems enable precision strikes in various operational scenarios

With its large internal fuel capacity and efficient engines, the Su-35 has an extended operational range and endurance, allowing it to operate over long distances without refueling

The aircraft is equipped with advanced electronic warfare (EW) systems, including radar warning receivers and jamming pods, to enhance its survivability in hostile environments

The Su-35 has garnered international interest and export success due to its cutting-edge technology and impressive performance capabilities. It has been acquired by several countries seeking to bolster their air forces with a highly capable fighter